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Advanced Master Material For Props

Advanced Master Material For Props

Engine version
Download type
Asset Pack
File size
2.9 GB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

This tool allows you to create environments easily and quickly, it has all the features of a AAA Game Studio.

The Advanced Master Material For Props allows you to create environments easily and quickly. It has all the features of a AAA Game Studio. You can create 90% of your environments just with this material. You will no longer have to waste time creating dozens of small materials, you can now focus only on creating your environments.


This product is only for Props (Static Meshes).

This product is no longer compatible with the latest version UE5.3 due to a bug caused by Epic Games, which makes it crash UE5 when using the master material.


Technical Details



  • Fully PBR, supported texture maps: Translucency (Subsurface), Albedo, Normal, Height, Roughness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, Emissive, Opacity, Anisotropy and (Specular IOR parameter)
  • Textures Packing system to optimize, pack 5 textures maps into 2 textures files.
  • Optimization is scalable depending on the number of features enabled.
  • Support of Streaming Virtual Texturing to use 8k textures, UDIM.
  • UV: Scale, offset, rotation, support of 4 UV index.
  • World Position: Scale based on physical size (1 value = 1 meter), offset, rotation, choice of axes of projection XYZ.
  • Triplanar: Scale based on physical size (1 value = 1 meter), offset, rotation.
  • Object Position: Allows textures that use world position or triplanar (in world space) to follow the location and rotation of the mesh (in object space).
  • Weather features: puddles (with rain ripples, waves, frozen water, character interaction), frost, snow (with character interaction), humidity, rain drops.
  • Mask Weather Occlusion: Allows you to work with your own weather system by inserting a render target to hide areas where the weather should not affect the materials (like under a roof).


Number of Textures: 105

Texture Resolutions:

4k (93)

2k (3)

1k (1)

1px (8)


Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Not tested)

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