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Animal Pack Ultra 2

Animal Pack Ultra 2

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Asset Pack
File size
591 MB
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This package contains 29 different animals.

Animal pack ultra 2 features 29 different animal assets all of which are rigged and animated. These assets are best suited for PC platform. Package includes animals from different biomes in order to fit various projects.



Technical Details

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes


Rigged: Yes


Rigged to Epic skeleton: No


Animated: Yes


Number of characters: 32


Vertex counts of characters: African elephant : 1891 // Bat : 2207 // Beagle : 2365 // Box turtle : 1907 // Camel : 1691 // Cane corso : 5188 // Cape buffalo : 2666 // Cat : 4322 // Celtic wolfhound : 5169 // Chick : 1531 // Komodo Dragon : 5074 // Domestic pig : 2176 // Domestic sheep : 2075 // Goliath spider : 7470 // Green lizard : 2593 // Hellenic hound : 2902 // Horse : 3299 // Indian elephant : 2185 // Leopard : 3035 // Longhorn cattle : 2348 // Mud pig : 2176 // Penguin : 7876 // Pug : 2245 // Rhino : 1796 // Scotland cattle : 2333 // Snapping turtle : 1880 // Tiger : 3124  // Tucan bird : 14576 // Zebra : 2081  


Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048 on majority of assets and some with 4096x4096


Number of Animations: from 4 to 9 (average 6).


Animation types: In place


Engine Compatibility: UNREAL ENGINE 4.22 and higher. 


Intended Platform: Desktop PC / MAC / Linux


Platforms Tested: PC


LODs: No


Documentation Included: No


Important\Additional Notes: Some animals have additional secondary (v2 or v3) materials which can be used to have better diversification of different animals in scene. 

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