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Anti Gravity Racing Kit

Anti Gravity Racing Kit

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45.7 MB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

AG Racing Kit Featuring Anti Gravity Vehicle Physics.

A Sci-Fi racing package built around anti gravity vehicles. Key part of this package is the physically based Vehicle controller with a fully customizable physics setup: adjustable levitation height, thrust-, airbrake-, stabilization and drag forces. Additional features like auto align functionality, animated airbrakes and dynamic camera movements contribute to a smooth and polished driving experience. The spline based autopilot offers the ability to switch to automatic controls and to set up simple AI ships.


This package contains:


  • Vehicle Physics Controller + Autopilot
  • Spline Track Blueprint with Terrain Alignment, Procedural Spline Generation, Add Checkpoints and Boostpads
  • Racing Manager: Checkpoint System, Lap Counter, Player Positions
  • Sample UI: Race Information, Pre-and Post Race Overview


Note: This Package requires a good understanding of Blueprints and 3D Meshes


Technical Details




• Adjustable levitation height and forces

• Auto align to surface

• Flexible driving behaviour

• Magnetic lock to surface

• Smooth camera setup

• Animated airbrakes

• Boostpads

• Spline track Blueprint

• Smooth keyboard and controller input

• Well commented and modular Blueprints

• Demo environment included

• Network replicated


Number of Blueprints: 5

Input: Keyboard, Gamepad

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac

Supported Target Build Platforms: All Platforms

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