Arc Inventory
GAS-Based inventory system with Item Creation, Slot Configuration, and procedurally generated items.
Arc Inventory is a Gameplay Ability System based inventory solution that allows for the creation of ability-powered items and inventory management, and can slot seamlessly into your GAS-based game. Arc Inventory is built from the ground up for multiplayer, and supports everything from passive items, active items, stacking items, and more. Using Arc Inventory, you can create shooter gameplay, RPG gameplay, and even procedurally generate items or create an attachment system.
Arc Inventory is used in multiple games, and powers very different gameplay systems with this easy to use, designer focused system.
Current Version 2.3.4
Technical Details
- Inventory Components that support Bags, Equipment, and Active items.
- Fully integrated with Epic’s Gameplay Ability System
- Supports Multiplayer
- Supports any game play mechanics GAS can do
- Easy to set up
- Requires minimal code
- Full Blueprint Integration
Code Modules:
- ArcInventory
Number of Blueprints: 5
Number of C++ Classes: 54
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Windows / Mac / Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows / Mac / Linux