Character Interaction
The template includes a system for character movement, character interaction with different objects, use of various firearms, picking up and crafting different items, use of means of transportation, making of different enemy AI, etc.
Character interaction is a crucial aspect of any game, and the Unreal Engine offers a variety of assets to help developers create dynamic and immersive interactions between characters. These assets range from basic character movement and animation systems to more advanced features such as dialogue systems and AI behavior trees. With the Unreal Engine's powerful tools and intuitive interface, developers have the flexibility to create unique and engaging character interactions that enhance the overall gameplay experience.
Technical Details
Animations Technical info:
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Number of Animations: 458
Number of Blueprints: 92
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Number of Effects: 34
Number of Audio tracks: 252