Dark Forest
Cruel dead trees and roots filled environment for any game in need of horror/suspense feel.
4.19-5.0 updated LOD4 billboards + added separate door frame Oct 18 2022
4.19- 4.23 updated (changed 2 texture resolutions) Dec 3rd 2019
Cruel dead trees and roots filled environment for any game in need of horror/suspense feel. Pack contains trees, plants, modular building blocks for the house and simple props for house interior.
Technical Details
Cruel dead trees and roots filled environment for any game in need of horror/suspense feel. Pack contains trees, plants, modular building blocks for the house and simple props for house interior.
Total number of meshes: 34 + (update - separate door frame)
- 12 trees
- 6 plant versions and 1 roots
- 1 road mesh (for landscape spline)
- 11 house elements (Wall, wall with doorway, corner, door, roof, roof corner, roof plane, interior walls, stairs)
- 1 chair, 1 table, 1 carpet
Number of textures: 46
Texture Sizes: 1k-4k
Number of Materials: 15 and instances: 28
Collision: automatically generated and custom +2 meshes using complex as simple
Vertex Count:
- Trees LOD0 4k-19k
- House walls 11k-20k
- Plants 0.9k-1.2k + 1x 4k
- props 1.2k-4.5k
- Roofs etc. 24vertices - 1.1.k
Foliage: 4 LODs
Other: 1 LOD
Supported Development Platforms: Tested on win64bit
Performance Tip
- Project settings -> Rendering-> Optimizations->Early Z-pass ->"Mask material only in early Z-Pass" can help to boost up scene rendering speed.