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Electronic Nodes

Electronic Nodes

Code Plugins
Engine version
5.3 , 5.4
Download type
Engine Plugin
File size
29.5 MB
Registration required

Improve the wire style of Blueprint, Material, Animation, Niagara, Control Rig and Gameplay Ability editors.

Electronic Nodes allows you to better picture your logic in visual scripting editors (Blueprints, Materials, Niagara...) by changing the shape of wires to make them straight with 45° or 90° angle. A bit like circuit boards, no more spaghettis!



  • Custom wire angles (45° or 90°), size and radius
  • Update Blueprint, Material and Animation editors (available on Windows/Mac/Linux)
  • Update Niagara, Control Rig and Gameplay Ability editors (available only on Windows)


WARNING: The custom theme used in the screenshots is not included, it's another plugin of mine called Darker Nodes. Electronic Nodes only affect wires between nodes.


(Orbital Market is a fast search engine for the Unreal marketplace)


Technical Details


  • Manhattan Style - Wiring style with 90° edges
  • Subway Circuit - Wiring style with 45° edges
  • Wires customization (alignment, priority, radius, thickness, offset...)
  • Overwrite customization for exec wires
  • Offset overlapping wires (experimental)
  • Draw moving bubbles on wires
  • Bubbles customization (size, speed, space, zoom threshold...)

Code Modules: Editor

Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux

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