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General AI Framework

General AI Framework

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Complete Project
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89.9 MB
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General AI Framework is a basic framework to design AI for UE Game. The framework can be easily applied to different projects and you can create different AI controller under the same framework.

Technical Details


  •  Provide a general AI framework.
  • Support to modify and extend the AI framework.
  • Support to customize AI behavior.
  • Provide two type of AI example.
  • Provide AI spawn spot and trigger actor.
  • Provide a simple FPS game, using the AI framework.
  • Pure blueprint project.


 Number of Blueprints: 34

Number of Behavior trees: 7

Number of Blackboard: 1

Number of Texture: 30

Number of Enumeration: 2

Number of Mesh: 15

Number of Animation: 114

Number of Map: 1


Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms: ( Windows, Android, IOS)

Supported Target Build Platforms: ( Windows, Android, IOS)

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