Lofty Robot's Customizable Fantasy Environment Kit
A customizable fantasy stylized environment kit with Sky domes, Sky Rings, Volumetric Fogs, Trees, Grass, Flowers, Bushes, Twigs, Boulders, Pebbles, Cliffs, Caves, Waterfall, Niagara Particle System.
• "Water" plugin made by Epic needs to be turned on to see the water in the example map.
• This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.1+
• This product supports Lumen for Unreal Engine 5.1+
With this pack you can build out many variations of a fantasy or scifi environment with many variations of meshes and material instances that are all interchangeable. For example, cliffs, rocks, and tree barks can use the same materials. Each material can have color changed through RGB channels and even have emissives. Flower and tree leaves are interchangeable and highly customizable. Use cave meshes to create a cave system. Many preconfigured foliage types are available for easy creation of an environment. A sky dome and sky ring with many panning material instances with unique textures can be used to create a fantasy or alien atmosphere. A cube mesh can be placed with many volumetric fog instances erosion, opacity, wind speed and direction and more. Vegetation is displaced by the character and wind. Open the example map and see how the assets are used, then migrate the LR_CFE folder to your project, just remember to copy the code from the level blueprint for character vegetation displacement. See the full list of assets in technical information.
• Sky Dome with 20 unique customizable textures and material instances.
• Sky Ring with 20 unique customizable textures and material instances.
• Fog cube mesh with 13 customizable material instances
• A floating particle system
• A blendable landscape material instance with 10 unique texture groups (diffuse, spec, rough, bump, normal)
• A Display Map with all assets organized for viewing
• An Example Map showing how I used the assets to create an environment
• 10 Crystal Blueprints that include a light source
• 40 unique customizable Rock Material Instances for use on Boulders, Cliffs, Caves, and Tree Bark
• 10 Boulder Meshes
• 10 Cliff Meshes
• 6 Cave Meshes without a floor, and 6 Cave meshes with a floor to build cave systems.
• 3 Stalactite and 3 Stalagmite meshes
• 10 Crystal meshes with 10 unique customizable Material Instances
• 3 Pebble meshes with 3 unique and customizable Material Instances
• 20 unique customizable Bark Material Instances for use on Tree Bark, Boulders, Cliffs, and Caves
• 40 unique customizable Leaf Material Instances for use on, Flowers, Grass, Bushes, Trees, and Butterflies
• 10 Bush Meshes
• 10 Flower Meshes
• 9 Grass Patches of various sizes
• 20 Living Tree Meshes
• 20 Dead Tree Meshes also used for custom collision for Living Tree versions.
• 3 Twig Meshes with unique customizable Material Instances
• A Scalable Waterfall using Niagara and having mist and water ripples at the base.
• A Global Material Parameter for wind on leaves.
• A Global Material Parameter for player location (determined in level blueprint) for leaf displacement.
WARNING: This pack is made for Unreal Engine 5.1 and above, because the leaves are made with masked materials which only works on nanite meshes in 5.1 and above. Furthermore, no LODs were created for this pack as it is taking advantage of nanite. Trees and other meshes have UV seams in a spiraling pattern to mimic nature and blend well and be hidden into the mesh. This means that there are NO UV LIGHT MAPS and this pack should NOT BE USED WITH BAKED LIGHTING / STATIC LIGHTING. This pack is intended for dynamic Lumen lighting. I will not be supporting versions lower than 5.1.
Technical Details
Number of Unique Meshes: 133
Collision: Yes, custom, automatically generated
Vertex Count: The highest vertex count is on a tree with 148k, the rest is lower. Nanite is used.
LODs: No, this is for Nanite.
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 192
Number of Textures: 423
Texture Resolutions: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Important/Additional Notes: WARNING: This pack is made for Unreal Engine 5.1 and above, because the leaves are made with masked materials which only works on nanite meshes in 5.1 and above. Furthermore, no LODs were created for this pack as it is taking advantage of nanite. Trees and other meshes have UV seams in a spiraling pattern to mimic nature and blend well and be hidden into the mesh. This means that there are NO UV LIGHT MAPS and this pack should NOT BE USED WITH BAKED LIGHTING / STATIC LIGHTING. This pack is intended for dynamic Lumen lighting. I will not be supporting versions lower than 5.1.