Luos's Particle Toolkit Vol. 1
This Particle Toolkit Offers a load of meshes, noise textures, material functions, vectorfields and more for your vfx creation needs! Also contains 67 example particles and youtube videos of their creation.
Luos's Particle Toolkit is a nice toolbox filled with all kinds of great content to create your own particle with!
It comes with all kinds of material functions, noise textures, meshes, and more, all for your particle creating needs.
As of now this package and it's files have been renamed and fully restructured, do not update the package directly into any project already using this package. Things will break!
4.11 will still contain the old package but 4.12 and up will contain this updated and renamed version.
- 67 Particle effects
- 200 textures that can be used for a variety of effects
- 11 flip-books
- 9 gradients
- 23 masks
- 38 RGB Channel Noise Textures
- 45 Normal maps for UV distortion
- 30 gray-scale noise textures
- 50+ textures of the random variety (sprites, noise, normal, detail, etc.)
And additionally 14 blueprints for showcasing the content, all approved by Celeste from Panda Studios!
Note: Not all the effects might be usable in games, and are only intended as a showcase to show off what can be done with the toolkit and because of that, I cannot fully support implementation for some of these particles into your game.
Note 2: I do not give blueprint support, even if you followed one or two basic tutorials you'd know more than me.
Technical Details
- 67 Particle effects (cpu, gpu, ribbon, mesh) (uses the old cascade particle system)
- 200 textures that can be used for a variety of effects
- 11 flip-books
- 9 gradients
- 23 masks
- 38 RGB Channel Noise Textures, each RGB filled
- 45 Normal maps for UV distortion
- 30 gray-scale noise textures
- 50+ textures of the random variety (sprites, noise, normal, detail, etc)
- A few other textures (baked for models, uncategorized)
- 43 custom Static Vector Fields
- 180 static meshes usable for mesh-based particle effects
- 147 materials
- 77 material instances
- 6 Sounds
- 7 Showcase levels
- 25 Material functions, WITH examples for most functions
- 14 blueprints for showcasing the content.