MeshPack analyses all Static Mesh Actors and packs them into instances when the game is packaged.
No need to manually combine actors while you are working on your game.
It works with World Partition and normal levels, making your workflow nondestructive and highly optimized.
MeshPack also re-packs Blueprints, Packed Level Actors and more. This further optimizes your game regardless of your workflow.Works with World Partition, Data Layers, Custom Primitive Data, Level Instances, preserving mesh settings and more. Further details in the docs link below.
MeshPack doesn't currently support meshes with prebuilt static lighting. I want to support this, but unsure if it's technically possible at this point.
Latest update: Version 1.5
Adds support for (H)ISMs with non-uniform scaled parent actors. (Fixes shearing when PLA's are scaled non-uniformly)
Example cases
Valley of the Ancient
Large open world level with thousands of meshes. Used to showcase UE 5.0 with World Partition and Packed Level Actors.
MeshPack stats:
Actors reduced from 16502 to 6303
Components reduced from 216417 to 97573
Lyra Starter Game
Medium size action game project optimized as a arena shooter. Uses static mesh actors mostly for floors and walls.
MeshPack stats:
Actors reduced from 4507 to 1339
Components reduced from 6163 to 3506
Local benchmark level
Large open world level with over 200.000 StaticMeshActors
MeshPack stats:
Actors reduced from 214631 to 1004
Components reduced from 215114 to 2745
Current version 2.0.0
Technical Details
- Analyses Static Mesh Actors in the level and packs those that can be instanced.
- Only runs when the game is packaged, no need to pack actors together while you work.
- Works with World Partition - Actors are packed together within their WP cell as each is processed separately
- Works with Packed Level Actors - All static mesh actors within a PLA are instanced together with the rest of the level.
- Works with Blueprints - Analyses and extracts static meshes from blueprints together with the rest of the level.
- Packs SMs into batches of a sensible size to improve WP level streaming. This setting is adjustable.
- Uses ISMs for Nanite meshes and HISM for rest by default. Forcing ISM or HISM can be set specifically.
- Extensible through C++ and Blueprint. Got a special SM actors you don't want to instance? Add custom logic in no time.
Code Modules:
- MeshPack - Editor
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 5
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: All
Latest Documentation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VYouZISleYcijjHK8W8JgCyYw-JtuBnt/view