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Military Training Warehouse

Military Training Warehouse

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Asset Pack
File size
1.9 GB
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A collection of high quality scanned assets, custom built props and modular kit to create a highly realistic multiplayer or training simulation area.

Get access to a highly detailed environment built around creating multiplayer level such as TDM, Domination with a variety of scans, custom props and modular kits. Built around the possibility of creating a VR simulation training arena or military prototyping. A wide range of modular & cover assets including ground detail assets such as scanned mesh decals, rubble pieces and more.


Technical Details

Performance Profiling using AMD 3900X, GTX 3080, 64GB RAM: 70FPS, 14ms


Note: It is recommended to avoid baked lighting given the scale of some of the meshes. Increase the lightmap size if you arent satistied with their final quality.

Note: This scene uses physically based light units which means you need to have enabled Extend default luminance range in your project settings with a correct exposure lit camera. The project already contains a cinecamera using correct values so please use that.

Note: This scene was using RT features in the video demo but has been disabled for performance.

Note: VR profiling has not been done on this project. Only mentioning to the possibilities to use the product for.



  • Over 55 unique scanned 3D & 2D surfaces.
  • Custom shaders for extreme details such as global wetness, multi layer blending, 2D & 3D mask detailing.
  • Global Roughness for detail modulation.
  • Global Noise overlay for extra visual fidelity.
  • Custom LODs generated for every mesh.
  • Wide range of decals for visual context including leaks, bullet holes, grunge.
  • Over 25+ Unique scan mesh decals used to scatter on floor for a realistic surface detail.

Number of Unique Meshes: 150+

Collision: Yes (Auto Generated)

LODs: Yes (Auto Generated)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 22 Master Materials, 167 Instances

Number of Textures: 213

Texture Resolutions: up to 4096


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