Modular Viking Sword Master
Modular Viking Warrior armor set with naked body, body parts, props, hair and weapons.
Update: 19.09.18
Two head variations, two hairstyles and one helmet variation were added.
Update: 10.06.19
Fixed up IK joints. LODs removed.
The Viking model design based on historical
references. Warrior is dressed up Lamellar armour and baggy pants. Armed with
short sword and round shape shield
Parts of the armor are separated by classic RPG game
- Cuirass (Combined with pants)
- Helmet
- Gauntlets (Bracers)
- Boots
Full naked Body mesh and naked Body mesh with
separated body parts.
Body Parts:
- Head (with part of neck)
- Body (without head, arms and feet)
- Arms
- Feet
High quality triple-A Textures. 4k for Cuirass, 2k for
other parts. The asset includes many RGB channels mask for a lot of
custom variations of the color tint. Realistic skin Materials including SSS data. Very realistic hair, facial hair and fur cape based on Epic Hair Material template. The pack includes 17 modular mesh parts, 67 master materials and Materials instances for advanced customization.The Skeletal mesh based on an Epic Skeleton with a few extra bones.
* The package includes two variations of the faceAlso basic Facial Rig. With one facial expression as a
Technical Details
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Completely compatible with Epic Skeleton (UE4 mannequin)
Number of characters: 17
Vertex counts of characters: 30k
Texture Resolutions: 4096 , 2048 , 1024
Number of Animations: Third Person Template animations examples + One facial expression as a bonus.
Intended Platform: Windows
Platforms Tested: Windows
Documentation Included: No
Important\Additional Notes: No