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Planets Generator

Planets Generator

Engine version
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Asset Pack
File size
285 MB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

A blueprint for creating a large variety of high quality planets.

The Planets Generator in Unreal Engine is a powerful tool that allows users to create stunning and realistic planets in a matter of minutes. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, this generator opens up a whole new world of possibilities for game developers, filmmakers, and anyone looking to add stunning planetary landscapes to their projects.


The product contains a blueprint of the planet maker and a blueprint of the starry sky setup.

Using over 45 customizations you can easily create a unique version of the planet. Ocean, icing, surface and atmosphere color settings, and orbital rings will give you a high quality result without much effort.


Technical Details


  • textures - 10
  • meshes - 2
  • materials - 4
  • materials functions - 3
  • blueprints - 2

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