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Polygon clickable area Button for UMG.

PolygonButton allows you to create button with polygon clickable area in UMGEditor. PolygonOverlay allows you to hold overlapped buttons so you could make something like radial menus and more. Easy to create/edit polygon in editor. Good performance in runtime. Use it just like a normal UButton.


Change Log (Sep.18.2023):

  • Support Engine Version: 5.3


Change Log (Jul.09.2023):

  • Support Engine Version: 5.2


Change Log (Dec.16.2022):

  • Support Engine Version: 5.1


Change Log (Apr.17.2022):

  • BugFix: Polygon vertex handlers may "Disappear" when zooming in too large in designer.
  • Improvement: Polygon vertex handlers won't "Floating" with transform handlers when dragging the designer area.
  • Support Engine Version: 5.0


Change Log (Oct.31.2021):

  • Support Engine Version: 4.27


Change Log (Jul.06.2021):

  • Add Get/Set polygon vertices blueprint interfaces, see documents for more detials.


Change Log (Jun.09.2021):

  • Add [PolygonOverlay] widget to support overlapped polygon buttons.


Change Log (Jan.24.2021):

  • BugFix: Floating properties might be clamped in [0, 1].
  • BugFix: Polygon extension handlers might not following the actual position.
  • BugFix: Right-bottom extension handler might cover the transform handler drag area.
  • Support Engine Version: 4.26

Technical Details


  • Polygon clickable area button in UMG
  • Easy create/edit polygon in UMGEditor
  • Polygon overlay to support overlapped buttons
  • Good performance in Runtime
  • Good compatibility, works just like a normal UButton

Code Modules:

  • PolygonButton (Runtime)
  • PolygonButtonEditor (Editor)

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 11

Network Replicated: (No)

Supported Development Platforms: (“Win64”, “Mac”)

Supported Target Build Platforms: ("Win64", "Win32", "Mac", "Android", "IOS")

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