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Prop Hunt - Multiplayer Blueprint Game Template - Hide and Seek - By Kekdot

Prop Hunt - Multiplayer Blueprint Game Template - Hide and Seek - By Kekdot

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Complete Project
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45.7 MB
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Prop Hunt is a fun party game in which certain players have to hide from Hunter's by disguising theirselves as props.

Prop Hunt is a fun 100% Multiplayer Blueprint Party Game Template - Prop Hunt is a fun party game in which certain players have to hide from Hunter's by disguising theirselves as props.


✅ Prop Hunt is a beginner friendly, Plug & Play multiplayer party game template that gets you right into action! 😀 Give your game development journey a boost by seeing how Prop Hunt is realized.


⛰️ Build your own unique game using the Prop Hunt gameplay template 🚀


🟦 Easily add more custom props and make fun levels using this template


This template includes:


  • Full Gameplay Template
  • Multiplayer gameplay logic
  • Complete match flow logic (Countdown, Spawning, Gameplay, Winner announcement, Repeat)
  • Replicated gameplay actors
  • Modular level building assets
  • Main menu setup
  • Multiplayer session setup (Host, find & join games)
  • 2 example levels


Advantages of Prop Hunt:


  • Best practice multiplayer blueprint code (GameMode, GameState, PlayerState, PlayerController, Character, Widgets)
  • Optimized multiplayer blueprint setup
  • Well commented for easy understanding
  • Lean and structured



Technical Details


Network Replicated: Yes

Input: Keyboard & Mouse

Subsystem: Default Online Subsystem (Game is compatible with any Unreal Engine Compatible Subsystem)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux


Number of Blueprints: 15

Number of Widget blueprints: 17

Number of Animations: 16

Rigged to UE5 skeleton: Yes

Number of Niagara particles: 1

Number of Textures: 28

Number of Sound effects: 21

Number of Static Meshes: 20




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