R-Tune Vehicle Physics
Fast and easy-to-setup custom C++ based vehicle physics solution for arcade and simcade vehicles.
Please note: Epic only allows updates for the latest 3 engine versions. Please make sure that you are at least on version 5.2 to receive updates. This plugin supports all versions but will need to be manually compiled for legacy engine versions.
The most powerful and flexible vehicle system available
R-Tune is a custom vehicle physics solution tailor made for Unreal Engine 5 written C++ from scratch for the best possible performance. Using the custom R-Tune blueprint components, you can easily create arcade or simcade vehicles in less than 2 minutes! No more working with tricky skeletal meshes that require pre-rigging and initial mesh setup - a simple static mesh for the body and wheels is all that is needed. Animation is fully procedural with overrides exposed for precise control. It is fully replicated with smooth client side movement and anti cheat features.
This system is designed to be modular and expandable. The core parameters are exposed for override (torque, RPM, wheel angular velocity, etc) so that vehicles can be modified at the core in order to produce the behavior required for you specific project. All done in a non-destructive manner. It is also is FRAME RATE INDEPENDENT. These vehicles will behave consistently, smoothly and predictably at any frame rate, regardless of how low or high it is.
This is designed to be both easy to use for beginners, as well as provide advanced and robust functionality for advanced game requirements. The physics model supports a wide range of vehicle types, from cars to trucks, buses, tanks and any vehicle with N-wheels. Virtually any type of vehicle or vehicle behavior can be made!
Current version 1.3.4
Technical Details
Stable physics and behavior at low frame rates (<15fps)
Includes both simple arcade and complex advanced powertrains and handling behavior
Core physics exposed to blueprint for easy and powerful customization
Drift assist torque implementation
Brake-to-Reverse or gear ratio reverse options
Anti-Gravity system
Kart jump ability
Works with Sequencer and Movie Render Queue
Vehicle system compliant with spline based animations
Vehicle behavior is fully extendable in blueprints
Fully replicated with anti-cheat features
Replication works seamlessly with blueprint physics modifications and custom extensions
Compatible with other movement replication systems like Smooth Sync or custom replication movement solution
Spring/Damper suspension with modified sphere trace for smoother behavior
Code Modules:
RTune, Runtime
AsyncTickPhysics, Runtime
Number of C++ Classes: 6
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, MacOS, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32, Linux, MacOS, Android, IOS