Real Time Import/Export
It is possible to import sound files (WAV, OGG) and image files (PNG,JPG,BMP) with this plugin. It is also possible to import meshes (OBJ, FBX, STL)*2.
The import works in realtime and without the editor. So in a running game. Textures and sounds are cached in RAM. Export functions have also been added via updates. In the latest version it is possible to export TextureRenderTarget2d to bytes (BMP,PNG,JPEG) and procedural meshes in OBJ files. This plugin does not use a third party library. This means that there are no problems with installations or licenses. Android and IOS support since version 2.0.
No special deals. Buy the plugin if you need it. My prices are low all year round.
Nativization in UE4 may cause problems and should be disabled in BPs that use this plugin.
Technical Details
Epic only allows updates for the newest three engine versions. There might be features missing in older engine versions. Contact me if you are unsure.
- Import and Play WAV and OGG Files. Stream WAV Files*1
- Import PNG ,JPG and BMP Files as Texture2D (Optional with MipMaps)
- Import OBJ, FBX and STL Files*2
- Export TextureRenderTarget2D and Texture2D to Bytes (BMP,PNG,JPEG)*3
- Export Procedural Meshes in OBJ Files*3
- Different directory and file blueprint nodes
- Include C++ Source for C++ Projects