Sci-fi Arsenal Vol 3.2
A set of more than 3 high-quality Sci-fi Weapons and Ammo Kit for your next Next-Gen shooter games - Machine Gun, Plasma Rifle/cannon, Energy Rifle, Ammo Kit, Including Animations, Control Rigs, SFX & VFX.
A set of more than 3 high-quality Sci-fi Weapons and Ammo Kit for your next Next-Gen shooter games - Machine Gun, Plasma Rifle/cannon, Energy Rifle, Ammo Kit, Including Animations, Control Rigs, SFX & VFX.
Main Features:
- Skeletal Meshes contain animated parts, LODs, Custom placed Physics Assets, and Customizable Material Instances.
- Control Rigs are included for each weapon so you are able to create your own custom animations in the UE editor.
- Static Meshes also contain LODs, Collision Mesh, and Customizable Material Instances.
- Simple Weapon Blueprint Classes which implement Camera Shake, Weapon SFX, VFX (MuzzleFlash, Bullet Shell Ejection, 3 Blueprint classes have been provided for the Plasma Rifle/Cannon, Energy Rifle, and Machine Gun ).
Technical Details
Texture Sizes: 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024v1024, 512x512, 256x256,
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes.
Collision: Yes (Automatically generated).
Physics Asset: Yes (placed manually for realistic collision results).
Triangle/Vertex Count: 215 Triangles - 170,000 Triangles.
LODs: Yes ( 2-4 LODs per Skeletal and Static mesh).
Number of Blueprints: 20 Blueprints Classes.
Number of Animation Sequences: 16 Animation Sequence
Number of Animation Blueprints: 3 Animation Blueprints.
Number of Control Rigs: 3 Control Rigs
Number of Static Meshes: 4 Static Meshes.
Number of Skeletal Meshes: 12 Skeletal Meshes.
Number of Master Materials: 10 Master Materials.
Number of Material Instances: 23 Material Instances.
Number of Textures: 156 Textures.
Number of Sound Cues & Sound Waves: 9 Sound Cues & 9 Sound Waves.
Particle Systems: 7 particle systems [ All Niagara particle systems].
Plugin Dependency: Control Rig [ UE4.27 - UE5.0 ]
Supported Development Platforms: Windows.
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Consoles.