Shooter Procedural Aiming
Character-Gun-AnimBP setups that automatically align gun sights when aiming. A solution for aiming down sights without specific anims. For 1P, 3P or True 1P view.
Note: this asset was made for guns attached to the hand_r bone, not the ik_hand_r or ik_hand_gun bones
-Four separate setups - two for Arms-Only 1st Person and two for Full-Body (True) 1st Person or 3rd Person. Each setup is comprised of a separate Character-Gun-AnimBP set
-No aiming animation required, simple idle animations become aiming animations with sights aligned when aiming
-Full-body character with no invisible or separated parts (only one mesh)
-Full-body character uses only one set of anims for all views
-Reload while aiming and reload not aiming with only one anim sequence
(only anims, no actual ammo code included)
-Multiple sights on the gun
-Fire while aiming and fire not aiming
(only anims, no actual ammo code included)
-Walk aim sway
-Static or skeletal mesh guns and sights
Current Version 2.2.2
Technical Details
Input: Pre-configured for Keyboard and Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Documentation: Video link above has detailed instructions. Blueprint code is all commented
Important/Additional Notes:
-The auto-aligning method depends on code present in the included character, gun and anim blueprints. It also depends on Epic's SK_Mannequin or SK_Mannequin_Arms skeletons
-Gun must be attached to any socket belonging to the hand_r bone
-Camera must be within reach of the arms for the alignment to work.