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Simple Procedural Walk

Simple Procedural Walk

Code Plugins
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Engine Plugin
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39.9 MB
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A plugin that allows to procedurally animate Characters' Skeletal Meshes so that they appear to be walking. It is particularly targeted at robotic or insectoid creatures, though it can be used in many other scenarios as well.

Do you have a Character with NO ANIMATIONS? Do you want to add more realistic ones to your characters?

Let Simple Procedural Walk animate your Characters easily!


Simple Procedural Walk is a plugin that allows to procedurally animate Characters' Skeletal Meshes so that they appear to be walking.  It is particularly targeted at robotic or insectoid creatures, though it can be used in many other scenarios as well. Note though that while it can animate bipeds such as Mechs, it's not intended to be used with organic characters such as humans or dogs, as their movements are in general better rendered with data coming from motion captures.


Procedural animation means that the walk cycle is computed in real-time. Contrary to more classical pre-recorded animation cycles, you do not need to have an animation for your mesh. Procedural animations allow for a more realistic interaction with the surroundings, as the legs and feet adapt to the surroundings and to the changes in characters' movement.


Technical Details

Simple Procedural Walk is entirely written in C++ as a custom Animation Blueprint Node that you can use in your Blueprints.


Current limitations:

  • Only Character & Pawn Actors are supported.
  • Resizing the Characters & Pawns actors or meshes can have imprecise results.



  • Single configurable Animation Blueprint node.
  • Use any number of legs (2 and 2+).
  • Advanced Solver looks for footholds when no ground is available.
  • Body gets animated as well (location & rotation).
  • Easy to integrate with your existing Characters & Pawns.
  • Support for moving and rotating platforms.
  • 40+ parameters to customize your walk cycle.
  • Callback Events (from an interface) for foosteps & other effects.
  • Compatible with Control Rig.
  • Beta support for third party code & plugins that implement custom gravity (which involve capsule rotation).
  • Entirely written in C++ for performance optimization.


Code Modules:

  •  SimpleProceduralWalk (Runtime)
  •  SimpleProceduralWalkEditor (UncookedOnly)


Number of Blueprints: 4 example creatures characters & 4 AnimBP in the example project

Number of Meshes: 4 example creatures in the example project

Number of C++ Classes: 2

Network Replicated: No, animations will be computed locally on every client

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