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Space Scenes

Space Scenes

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Asset Pack
File size
2.2 GB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

Easy to use for fast setup of a space environment. 10 Example space environments included! Dying Star, Spaceship Graveyard, Mothership, Pillars, Tesla Coil, Energy Stations and more.

Space environments

Easy to use for fast setup of a space environment. 10 Example space environments included! This package includes several assets for a simple space environment. Ranging from:

  • Static meshes of asteroids,
  • Space pillars
  • Dying star
  • Tesla Coil SpaceStation
  • Recharge Space Station (animated)
  • Energy Draining Station
  • Mothership front
  • Skyboxes
  • Asteroid Belts
  • Spaceship graveyard (Props spawner and broken spaceship)
  • Particles such as power shields and mist.
  • Configurable planets

Quality first:

The best and nothing less. Our core principles keep our assets the top of what’s available.

Where possible:

– Complete and flexible, we include most common use-cases in our products.

– Data-Driven approach, so adapting is easy. We provide spreadsheets for mass edits.

– Flawless integrations.

– Blueprint only, so we keep it accessible for you and your complete team.

– Extensive documentation, in code and in docs. Not only what happens by also why. We want you be able to learn.

– Production-ready.


Technical Details


  • Multiple fully configured space stations
  •  Dying Star Blueprint. Includes fireballs particles shot from the open core
  • 10 example scenes
  • Space Skybox BP to be configured with 8 4k*2k*6k DDS Cubemaps.
  • 1 Asteroid Belt Blueprint: A dynamic and configurable instanced asteroid belt. No collision of physics. To be used for scenery.
  • Dynamic props spawner
  • Broken down Spaceship
  •  3 Static meshes of Asteroids ~12k, 12k, 4k verts
  •  3 Static meshes of Space Pillars Asteroids ~7k, 4k, 3k verts
  • Dust, Mist, Power shield and more particle effects for example scene purpose
  • Far Away Planet master with a simple configurable material

Number of Meshes: 48

LODs: Yes

Number of Materials: 58 Materials, 76 Instances

Supported Platforms:

Windows. It is assumed that it works fine on all platforms.

Support, community & Documentation📁:

All blueprints are always heavily commented. Not only the what happens, but I try to explain why it happens.

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