Survival Locomotion Pack - Unarmed
This product contains 178 high-quality character movement animations, ready to be integrated into your game.
Includes running, crouching, walking, simple parkour and more.
The animations are suitable for those who want to make a AAA-quality game in a survival setting.
Lobby Idle - 1
Stand Idle - 1
Crouch Idle - 3
Knelt Idle - 1
Crawl Idle - 1
Head Aim Offsets - 5
Walk - 8 (Speed: 130 cm/sec)
Slow Jog - 8 (Speed: 220 cm/sec)
Jog - 8 (Speed: 335 cm/sec)
Sprint - 3 (Speed: 520 cm/sec)
Crouch - 8 (Speed: 230 cm/sec)
Crawl - 8 (Speed: 30 cm/sec)
Jog Start - 8
Crouch Start - 8
Jog Stop - 4
Crouch Stop - 4
Jog Pivot - 4
Jog Lean Pose - 2
Sprint Start - 1
Sprint Stop - 1
Walk Start - 6
Walk Stop - 4
Stand Turn - 6
Crouch Turn - 6
Crawl Turn - 2
Jump In Place: 3 (Start, Loop, Landing)
Jump In Move:
Start - 5
Loop - 5
Landing - 5
Vault - 2
jumping on an obstacle - 2
Stand Idle -> Crouch Idle- 1
Crouch Idle -> Stand Idle - 1
Stand Idle -> Knelt Idle - 1
Knelt Idle -> Stand Idle - 1
Crouch Idle -> Knelt Idle - 1
Knelt Idle -> Crouch Idle - 1
Crawl Idle -> Death - 1
Crawl Idle -> Crouch Idle - 1
Stand Idle -> Crawl Idle- 1
Knocked Down -> Crawl Idle - 2 (Back and stomach)
Knocked Down -> Stand Idle - 1
Stand Idle - Knocked Down - 1
Small Aid Kit - 3 (Stand, Crouch, Knelt)
Stimulator - 3 (Stand, Crouch, Knelt)
Big Aid Kit - 1 (Knelt)
Eating - 1
Pills - 1
Drinking - 1
Open Door - 1
Take Item - 2 (Up, Down)
Campfire - 1
Punch Left - 1
Punch Right - 1
Block idle - 1
Fight idle - 1
Aim Offsets - 10
Fight Start - 1
Fight Stop - 1
Technical Details
For survival games and more
Animated specifically for UE5's latest SK_Mannequin
Root-motion and In-Place
This is not a locomotion system. Only high quality animations!
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations: 178
Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): 104/74
Number of Characters: 1
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Documentation: No