TV Set
Customizable TV Sets for your games or archviz interiors.
TV Set Pack allows you to add working TV set to your game or interior. TV can display one of predefined or custom picture or video.
TV Set Pack includes:
- customizable TV blueprint
- 24 meshes (4 different TV Set body, 6 TV Sets with base, 4 TV Sets with Wall Mount, 2 Remotes, 1 Sounbar, 6 Bases, 1 Wall Mount)
- 7 metal and 9 plastic materials (to change appearance of some parts of TV)
- 15 pictures to be displayed on screen
- video with sound playback
- 2 videos to be played on screen (Velocity Cars Ad and City Timelapse, 720p mp4, no sound)
- Turn OFF, Turn ON, Toogle ON/OFF events for easy TV control
- Simple demo map
Video playback is supported by TV Set blueprint in UE5.1+.
To add your video for playback, drag and drop video file to UE. File Media Source will be created. Select this Media Source in TV blueprint and playback will start.
Video files must be placed in Content/Movies folder if you want to package game with video.
When you add TV Set to your project, two .mp4 files are located in Content\TV_Set\Movies folder. Open folder in Explorer and drag these files to your Content Browser to make them work. Or delete these files if you don't need them.
For better video playback stability, go to Project Setings-Plugins-WMF Media and enable all 3 media checkboxes
Technical Details
Each mesh feature:
- High quality geometry and UVs
- Polycount is enough for HQ ArchViz but made with performance in mind. No unnecessary polygons.
- Nanite enabled [This product supports Nanite for Unreal Engine 5.0+]
- Correct lightmap UVs
- Ready for baked lighting and Lumen
- Game-ready collision
- Real world scale
Number of Unique Meshes: 24
Collision: Yes, custom
Vertex Count: 532 to 1060 (for TV Sets with base)
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 39
Number of Textures: 28
Texture Resolutions: 2048x1024 (Pictures), 256 to 2048 (other)