Urban Background Buildings - VOL.1
A collection of midground/background optimized buildings used for games!
This project includes everything pictured with all assets, maps, and materials created in the Unreal Engine. Each asset was created for realistic AAA quality visuals, style, and budget.
Technical Details
- 13 optimized building meshes for midground building assets and far background building LODs for each
- Master material setup that control the majority all assets
- Day and Night time settings and material instances
- Includes modular parts to make your own heights and variations of all buildings
- Additional controls for roughness, albedo, normals and more
- Channel packed Roughness | Metalness | Ambient Occlusion
- Optimized for games!
- Free of all legal issues as all branding and labels are custom made by our studio
- Fully detailed models from all sides
- Includes test dynamic lighting scene
Texture Sizes:
- 2048 [77]
- 1024 [2]
- 512 [1]
- 256 [1]
- 128 [4]
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Collision: Yes, simple automatically generated
Vertex Count: https://www.notion.so/dekogon/Background-City-Buildings-b184b9f7f969445b8c2f23d35efb752c (See documentation for individual polycounts)
LODs: Separated additional LOD meshes
Number of Meshes: 51
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 44
Number of Textures: 85
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Window/Mac/PS4/Xbox