Vertex Paint Master
It is simple and easy to use vertex paint material. Disabled and enabled features, layers. Friendly for fps.
You can draw, as well as automatically create the following things on the model: water, puddles, water flowing down, dirt, moss and other spraying on the top, or on the selected side, automatically and manually, + connected Triplanar. Also there are destructions of the semi-automatic mode, or manual, as well as the generation of Normals along the edge of the transition from high to low. Plug-in detailing for large objects. All blendings are carried out according to the Height Map of the corresponding Layer.
There is a separate Mobile Shader, it saves all layers, but many Features on it are not available.
Technical Details
Collision: Yes
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Meshes: 11
Vertices: 1600-8400
Number of Textures: 55
Texture Size: 512x512-2048x2048
Materials: 5
MaterialInstances: 8
MaterialFunctions: 16
Scenes: Level_Overview, Level_Demonstration