Water Fountain
Extend your scene with good looking water fountains!
Just drag the Blueprint in your scene.
Numerous settings offer endless variety.
Contains an overview map with over 40 examples,
and contains everything you see in the screenshots and videos.
Update: Niagara Particles!
Niagara is the new default. You can change between Cascade or Niagara particles at any time. Take a look at "Particle Settings" -> "Emitter Type"
Recreated Sequencer examples. It is now easier and more intuitive to create Sequencer animations. Big thanks to Epic for the integration of the missing pieces in the last Unreal 5 versions.
Technical Details
Blueprint handles one or multiple water fountains
Easy adjustable spray direction, height, width, ...
Blueprint helps to spawn multiple fountains along a vector, circle or spline
Animate your water fountains with default animations, custom curves or Sequencer
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of particle emitters: 4
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Documentation: https://youtu.be/L18U1ip0n4Y