Waterstamp - Water Decals
Water Decal Materials that work with translucent Water Surfaces.
WaterStamp is a content pack that adds a large number of textures and shaders that center on adding decal-like details to water surfaces, underwater terrain and foam effects.
A major feature is our translucent mapping function that can project a texture on a translucent material – effectively allowing the use of decal-like shaders on water surfaces! This function will work on any translucent material that writes a Custom Depth.
The object that uses the mapping function can be shifted, scaled and rotated much like a standard decal actor. The only limitations being that scaling needs to be uniform and the surface and decal – horizontal (as the current focus is water surfaces).
Complex translucent effects can now be localized to small areas where needed without the need to complicate the entire water shader!
* As of UE5.0, features of WaterStamp v2.0 are available including better shadow support, Vanilla Unreal water support and better deformations (see TRAILER 2.0 above for details)
See DOCUMENTATION liked below (page 3) on how to use :)
Note: Please make sure to have the latest GPU drivers when using with +UE5.3 as older drivers can produce visual artifacts under certain lighting conditions / 3rd party plug-in combinations.
Technical Details
- Translucent Decal Mapping Function
- Parallax Sea Foam Translucent Decal Material
- Parallax Shore Wave Translucent Decal Material
- Unlit Color Overlay Translucent Decal Material
- Water normal substitute Translucent Decal Material
- 9 Foam/Wave Textures
- 14 Wave Normals
- 13 Water Masks
- 35 Sea Floor Textures
Texture Resolutions:
- 1024x1024
- 137x1024
- 2048x2048
- 4069x2048
- 1585x780
Number of Materials: 13
Number of Textures: 82
Supported Development Platforms: PC
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC
> Please note that in order to achieve perfect normal map substitution – any nodes that feed into the Color pin of a water material will have to be replicated in the Translucent Decal Material – see examples in map “Water_Normal_WL” material.
> Currently does not work correctly with ray-traced translucency use rasterized if possible
> As mentioned before this function will work on any translucent material and object that writes a Custom Depth, at the moment Unreal's default water system DOES not write to Custom Depth and this will not work with it.
