Wise Feline Influence Maps
An influence maps plugin which allows you to do spatial queries to make strategic decisions based on the environment and other agents to make your AI more immersive.
Influence maps allow you to do spatial queries and answer questions like:
- Where should I stand so I'm not too close to friends and too far from enemies?
- Where should I throw a grenade so I kill most enemies?
- Where are the paths cargos usually travel so I send the criminal bands to steel their goods?
- Where should I build the next house in relation to current population density and house density in my procedural generation map
Wise Feline influence maps allow you to answer these sorts of questions efficiently and is compatible with Wise Feline Utility AI as well.
You store the effect of an agent/object/action on a map as a stamp and then can search for map parts with high values, low values, averages and .... You can combine different maps with each other and then query them for specific values around a point or check a point's value. Maps can have any resolution you desire and operations like normalizing, multiplying and adding maps to each other is supported by default. In addition to these you get access to the raw arrays if need be.
Influence maps allow you to make spatial queries and make decisions based on them. Unlike EQS they allow you to get data about the whole environment and not only the current place of things but also what happened where.
Technical Details
- Minimum allocations: you can re-use your older arrays when you combine multiple maps again
- High performance
- Is very simple and flexible and can work with any other sort of AI system
- Visual logger and gameplay debugger support
- Unreal insights support
- Fully supports both blueprints and C++
- Allows you to decay values of a map for snow, foot steps and event maps.
- Works with our Utility AI, and Unreal's Smart Objects, AI Tags and other plugins pretty well.
- Has fast discord and email support
Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))
- WiseFelineInfluenceMaps: Runtime
- WiseFelineInfluenceMapsEditor: Editor
Number of Blueprints: 0 but everything supports blueprints
Number of C++ Classes: 7
Network Replicated: (N/A)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS