Advanced BodyCam / VHS - Body Camera Component with Video Effects
Quickly add bodycam effect to your game!
SUPER easy installation:
Drag-and-drop bodycam component on any of your character to add bodycam functionality:Super easy setup.Easy customization via exposed component variables:
Noise and camera artifacts
VHS-like effect (RGB channels offset)
Fisheye effect
Camera moves along with character animations
Movement interpolation/stabilization
Advanced motion-blur
Reduced dynamic range to mimic cheap cameras
Go to AdvancedBodyCam\
Drag and Drop BPC_BodyCamComponent onto your skeletal mesh inside your character blueprint
Choose socket that you want (usually spine3/spine4 or spine5 work fine
Rotate and position camera to your taste (e.g. on character chest)
Run the game, component would setup everything automatically
See "Advanced Body Cam" exposed variables on the component to tweak the look and individual effectsNote: Environment is NOT included, you can find it here: https://www.fab.com/listings/f55d1547-8df0-48ab-9a9c-e2054d4217fe
Technical Details
Noise and camera artifacts
VHS-like effect (RGB channels offset)
Fisheye effect
Camera moves along with character animations
Movement interpolation/stabilization
Advanced motion-blur
Reduced dynamic range to mimic cheap cameras
Number of Blueprints: 1Number of Material/Instances: 4
Documentation Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o25MQzFnTDU&t=102s