Bow MocapAnimPack
This is a realistic animation, that was shot using Mocap technology, designed for gamedev.
This is a mega pack with lots of bow animations (150+ animations in fbx format). It will provide you with 95 percent of bow animations needed for your game. Here is everything you need for most common situations in the game. It consists of the following sets:
1) Bow_Stand_Style
2) Bow_Crouch_Style
3) Bow_Patrol_Style
4) Bow_Melee_Set
5) Bow_PickUp_Set
6) Bow_TakeHide_Set
7) Bow_Transitions_Set
8) Bow_Shooting_Set
9) Bow_AimOffset_Set
Each of styles has the full set of locomotion, dodge, stun, hit, death, aims and many other animations. The full list of animations is available in the pictures in the gallery.
Technical Details
Overall the pack contains 156 animations + 32 aim offsets + 46 movement animations IPC(fbx format).
(46 movement animations are duplicated both in Root Motion and In-place (IPC) versions)
The Source folder contains all animations in FBX format, they can be integrated into any version of Unreal Engine.
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
IK bones are included: Yes
Animation types: Root Motion and In-place
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes