Brushify - Forest Pack
Realistic Modular Forest assets and ready-made environment. Includes Brushify Landscape Auto Material and other shaders. Use #brushify to support the project!
Create realistic Forest landscapes with this powerful easy to use pack. Assets are fully optimized with billboards and ready to be used with the procedural spawning system. Perfect for Games, Movies, Archviz and Automotive projects.
Three complete and optimized levels ready to go out of the box: Forest, Woodland and Lake
Allows you to immediately start testing your Gameplay, creating cinematics and learning from the example setup.
These packs are fully compatible with Nanite and Lumen , making use of Unreal Engine 5's latest technology.
To enable Nanite when needed follow this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZokkH4_eCPI
Lumen is enabled by default.
Assets are built from the ground up to be performant on large landscapes. All trees have LODs with the last using a simple billboard. The trees are created using a combination of techniques including photogrammetry , photo texturing and displacement maps.
Trees, Bushes and Grass react to the directional wind system. The system is designed to allow tree trunks to sway and for leaves/grass to be affected by gusts.
The pack includes Procedural Spawners for quickly scattering Foliage and Rocks on slopes. The pack also includes some smaller cliff meshes (For larger cliff walls see Brushify - Cliffs Pack).
Tutorial Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-CB2u_lvKU&t=658s
The fastest way to build detailed fully playable landscapes. This material allows users to paint multiple biomes with ease across huge landscapes. Each biome is it's own Automatic Paint Layer. There are 11 landscape layers for you to choose from including Grass, Desert, Forest, Snow, Beach, Dunes, Mud, Craters.
Simply apply this material to any landscape and it will be automatically textured and covered with optimized Rocks/Grass which match that biome.
Supports Runtime Virtual Texturing (RVT), Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM), Tri-planar mapping, Tessellation/Height, Roughness, Reduced Distance Tiling Feature, 3 stage Level Of Detail system (Far, Medium and Near), optimized Shader overdraw and Flow mapping.
The entire shader is fully modular in design and functions can be removed and customized in order to streamline the system to your project.
Brushify packs can easily be merged together, in the Epic launcher, click 'Add to project' then choose 'Overwrite files'. This is required because Brushify packs share some generic objects, textures and shaders.
Technical Details
- 3 Levels: Forest, Woodland and Lake.
- 4 foliage species. Cedar, Birch, Maple trees, and Generic bushes.
- Trees feature realistic wind bending. Tree trunks sway naturally in the wind.
- 13 Rock meshes & Distance mountain
- BONUS includes Erosion Alpha Brush Texture that can be used to sculpt the mountains directly into the landscape. (the 4 seperate brushes are stored in the R G B A Channels of the texture.)
- Comes with 4 distance landscape meshes: Generic Erosion 01, Generic Erosion 02, Mountain Generic 03, Generic Erosion 04
- This pack contains a ready-made level already built using the Brushify assets.
- Includes Brushify Landscape Automaterial, with 9 Paintable Biome materials Grass, GrassDry, Desert, Dunes, Beach, Forest, ForestDry, Snow, Mud
- Optimized Grass is included
- Includes Procedural scatter meshes (Grass, Flowers, Rocks, Pebbles)
- Includes a Procedural Spawn setup that automatically covers terrain slopes with rocks and foliage.
- Scene is optimized for consoles/VR.
Texture Sizes: All Bark, rock and cliff Textures are 4k resolution, leaf atlases are 1k, distance terrain Textures are 8k resolution.
Vertex Count: 1000 to 80,000
LODs: All Meshes have 5 LODs
Contains Landscape Auto Material (auto Textures terrain, paint down multiple biomes, easy Material and layer setup)
Contains Near Mesh shader (easily switch assets to different biomes: snow, desert, coast)
Contains Simple Water Shader
Contains Foliage Material
Contains Cloud Shadows Material