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Knife_MocapAnimPack 1.3

Knife_MocapAnimPack 1.3

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Asset Pack
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21.8 MB
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This is a realistic animation, that was shot using Mocap technology, designed for gamedev.

This pack contains two knife states of behavior, which are most common in games:

1) Knife_Stand_Style(St)

2) Knife_Crouch_Style(Cr)

+ MeleeSet (attacks of different strength and corresponding hits)


Each of styles has the full set of locomotion, start/stop, dodge, stun, hit, death and many other animations. The full list of animations is available in the pictures in the gallery.


Technical Details

Overall the pack contains 203 animations + 49 movement animations In-place (IPC) (fbx format):

  • 96 In-place animations (idle, movement sets and other IPC animations)
  • 164 Root Motion animations (transitions, movement sets and other animations)


Update 1.1. This update includes the following changes:

  • added Back Strafe_Set for each style (8 animations + 8 IPC);
  • fix Locomotion_Set for each style (49 animations + 49 IPC);
  • added Idle_Turn_180R (2 animations + 8 IPC);
  • fix Knife_SK_Mannequin_A;
  • animated virtual bones.

Update 1.2. This update includes the following changes:

  • fix some loco and turn animations (20 animations + 12 IPC)

Update 1.3. This update includes the following changes:

  • added Start/Stop_Set for each style (66 animations)


The Source folder contains all animations in FBX format, they can be integrated into any version of Unreal Engine.


Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

IK bones are included: Yes

Animation types: Root Motion and In-place


Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

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