Portal and SavePoint VFX
Well organized assets, high visual qulity with efficiency and good optimization!
Override parameters for Scalable Size,Custom Color,Tall etc..easy to use!!Dont need to understand NiagaraSystem!
These VFX have Automatic Fade-in,Fade-Out animation for 1 sec once you deactivate them.You can destory them after 1 sec via blueprint or C++!!
There is a paramerter called "GpuParticleRate" in NS_GpuPortal.Reduce it if the vfx cost too musch in your project.
13 type of Unique VFX.See if you can find out some keywords from the name of VFX below .Maybe There are some suit Your Project.Name List :
GpuPortal/Aloft BonFire/TwistEddy/AnyWhereDoor/TeleporterHole/JumpCyclone/ArchGate/DreamLand/HellAbyss/MemoryChip/DysonSphere/HeavenPath/Si-Fi Chrono
- Automatic Fade animation
- self Scalability(LOD)
- Foolproof Override parameters for Scalable Size,Custom Color etc..
- Well organized assets,good name convention,high visual qulity with efficiency and good optimization!!
- The name of VFX has keyword: "Gpu" means this VFX include GPU Emitter.
Type of Emitters: CPU/GPU
Number of Unique Effects: 13
LODs: Yes
Number of Materials: 31
Number of Textures: 43
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of Unique Meshes: 16
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes
Important/Additional Notes:Please Enable Niagara plugin and make sure "Custom Depth-stencil Pass" is Enabled in your project.