Dragon.IK - Universal IK System
An All-in-One plugin tool for easily creating IK for animals and humans.
The aim of this plugin is to save time and energy for giving a realistic and smooth IK solution for various types of animals using only simple animation Blueprints.
The plugin aims to provide IK to different types of animals such as
- Quadrupeds : Wolves , horses etc
- Bipeds : T-Rex , birds , humans etc
- Spiders : Multi-legged creatures such as spiders and scorpions etc
- Snakes : Snakes & Worms etc
- A universal aim/look-at solver that works on any kind of creature or character!
Curent Version 2.4.7
Technical Details
[Note : New updates are only available in every last 3 engine versions.]
- Provides foot and spine IK for animals of quadruped,biped,spider and snake types.
- An advanced universal fullbody aiming/look at solver that modifies any character to aim towards a target.
- One of the best VR focused tools to get high quality VR character IK solving with tons of examples and community support.
- DragonIK Physanims, an advanced and unique feature to easily get high quality physical animations and hit reactions. An alternative to engine's in-built physical animation system.
Number of Blueprints: 3 Animation Blueprints (Dragon_SpineSolver, Dragon_FootSolver, Dragon_AimSolver)
Number of C++ Classes: 3 Main classes (AnimGraphNode_DragonFeetSolver.cpp, AnimGraphNode_DragonSpineSolver.cpp and AnimGraphNode_DragonAimSolver.cpp) and one static support class [DragonIK_Library]
Network Replicated: Yes
Supported Development Platforms: PC ,Mac and Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC,Mac,Linux,iOS and Android. Other platforms require testing.