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Hit Reaction Animation Pack - UE4/UE5 Mannequin

Hit Reaction Animation Pack - UE4/UE5 Mannequin

Engine version
Download type
Asset Pack
File size
445 MB
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96 Hit Reaction Motion. Root motion Support. 4 directional motion. UE4/UE5 Mannequin Support.

96 Realistic hit reaction motion. This will suit any type of hitting or impact reaction.

  • HitReaction_Back(9)
  • HitReaction_Back_Light(30)
  • HitReaction_Front(06)
  • HitReaction_Front_Light_01(11)
  • HitReaction_Left(07)
  • HitReaction_Right(09)
  • Knockback_Back(08)
  • Knockback_Front(08)
  • Knockback_Left(04)
  • Knockback_Right(04)


- This pack supports UE4 Mannequin and also UE5.

- Supporting both Rootmotion and Non-RootMotion Animation

Technical Details

Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes

Number of Animations: 96

Animation types (Root Motion/In-place): Root Motion and also In-place

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Important/Additional Notes: This include only animation assets. It doesn't support any animation BP.

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