HOLOGRAM VFX With Niagara 2
HOLOGRAM VFX With Niagara 2 is a fully functional hologram visual effect and material sets.
HOLOGRAM VFX With Niagara Pack 2 is a fully functional hologram visual effect and material sets. Our latest release includes 26+ Hologram VFX Examples, 47+ Materials and Material Instances with 7+ Material Functions, 4+ Niagara Particles with 4+ Niagara Modules, 47+ UI Images, 4+ Sci-Fi Level Design Modules, 4+ Display Model Set ( Trackable 3-Axis Projector Robot Arm, Watch, Desks ) and 1+ Space Skybox. You can customize all hologram VFX examples(Niagara, model, texture, color, timing, emissive, gradation, etc.), so we believe you can easily create new hologram materials and effects.
Technical Details
- 26+ Hologram VFX Examples
- 47+ Materials and Material Instances
- 7+ Material Functions ( Basic, Dark Outline, Dissolve, Inhalation, Noise, Pattern, Text, Transparent Outline, UMG )
- Trackable Niagara Beam for Skeletal Mesh and Static Mesh ( 4+ Niagara Particles with 4+ Niagara Modules )
- 47+ UI Icons
- 4+ Sci-Fi Level Design Modules
- 4+ Display Model Set ( Trackable 3-Axis Projector Robot Arm, Watch, Desks )
- 1+ Space Skybox
Number of Blueprints: 27
Number of Widgets: 17
Number of Images and Textures: 76
Number of Materials and Instances: 72
Number of Material Functions: 7
Number of Niagara Systems: 4
Number of Niagara Modules: 4
Number of Static Meshes: 21
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: No
Texture Resolutions: (512, 1024, 2048, 4096)
Vertex Count: 3060 ~ 236140
Input: Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Tested on Windows