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Horse Herd

Horse Herd

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Asset Pack
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5.4 MB
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Customizable animated 3D model of a horse with many unique coat colors and tack sets.

(All images in the gallery rendered in Unreal Engine)

The pack contains an animated horse model with a set of horse tack.

Horse model with mane and tail: 24,254 Tris, 17,149 Verts

Facial hair: 380 Tris, 618 Verts

Saddle: 6685 Tris, 3,536 Verts

Headset: 3,600 Tris, 1830 Verts

Reins: 924 Tris, 720 Verts

Pad: 948 Tris, 530 Verts.


5 Texture sets - Body, Hair, Iris, Saddle, Headset

PBR Textures Metall/Roughness

Horse body: 4K Textures - normal, roughness, 8 base colors albedo maps, directional map for fur anisotropy effect.

7 masks for different spot combinations: 2 body masks, 4 facial masks, 1 legs mask. 512x512 resolution used in the shader. 4K included.

Hair: 2K Textures - normal, opacity, ID, root map, ao - used in the material from the preview (the materials are included in the package). Additional maps: depth, directional, and flow.

Eyes: 2K Textures - 5 colors albedo maps.

Saddle and pad: 4K Textures - normal, roughness, metalness, 3 different colors albedo maps. Height map included.

Headset and reins: 4K Textures - normal, roughness, metalness, 2 different colors albedo maps. Height map included.


Horse skeleton: 136 bones in the skeleton (44 of them are facial bones)

Reins skeleton: 32 bones. Goes as a separate prop, that can be attached to the horse head bone socket.


54 Animations for the horse

29 locomotions: (two versions for each: in-place and root motion)

  • 6 Walk animations: forward, turn left, turn right, walk backward, rotating backward left and right;
  • 3 Trot animations: forward, trot right, trot left;
  • 3 Canter: forward, turn left, turn right;
  • 3 Gallop: forward, turn left, turn right;
  • 6 Swim movements: swim forward, left and right, swim backward, backward left and right;
  • 2 Turns on place: right and left;
  • 1 Jump;
  • 4 Falling states: starting from the edge, falling high, falling low, landing;
  • 1 Grazing (eating);


11 Steady animations:

  • 4 Idle animations: basic idle, look left, look right, head shake;
  • 1 Swim idle;
  • 3 Back attacks: Kick with both legs, left leg kick, and right leg kick;
  • 2 Death animations: Falling dead on right and left sides;
  • 1 Rearing;


14 additive motions:

  • 3 Eyes animations: Blink, Close right eye, Close left eye;
  • 2 Pinning ears back: Pin right ear back, Pin left ear back;
  • 1 Nostril breathing;
  • 1 Neigh (mouth opening);
  • 7 Tail poses: High lifted up the tail straight, to the left and to the right; middle raised up left and right, and neutral pose



This Asset does not include a Riding System (BluePrints). Only meshes and horse animations.


Technical Details


  •  Physics is enabled for mane, tail, and reins
  •  Change colors easily with Material Instances
  • Masks allowed to create unique coat colors combinations
  • Includes facial bones that can be tweaked for different expressions and mouth animation
  • Facial hair provides extra details for the closeups.
  •  Pad, saddle, headset, and reins can be added separately

Rigged: (Yes)

Rigged to Epic skeleton: (No)

Animated: (Yes)

Number of Animations: 54

Animation types: Root Motion & In-place

Number of characters: 1

Vertex counts of characters:

  • Horse with mane and tail: 17,149 Verts
  • Facial hair: 618 Verts

Vertex counts of props:

  • Saddle: 3,536 Verts
  • Headset: 1830 Verts
  • Reins: 720 Verts
  • Pad: 530 Verts.

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 35

Number of Textures:

  • Horse with mane and tail: 24 textures, 7 masks
  • Horse tack: 14 textures.

Texture Resolutions: x512/x2048/x4096

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

Documentation: no

Important/Additional Notes: Please note, that there are no Blueprints! There are no rider animations in the pack.


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