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Hyper Multiplayer Survival Template Plus [MST]

Hyper Multiplayer Survival Template Plus [MST]

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Complete Project
File size
21 GB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

The most modular, organized and robust multiplayer survival template available to kickstart your project.

Multiplayer Survival Template Plus

If you've ever dreamt of creating a survival game, this template is tailor-made for you. It stands out as the most modular, organized, and robust multiplayer survival template, providing an excellent starting point for your project.


Start Small, Upgrade anytime

Thanks to the versatile nature of Hyper Modules, I offer various tiers for you to choose from based on your requirements. Begin with the starter tier to evaluate its suitability, and if you need additional features, you can easily upgrade to the Plus or Pro tiers at any time.


Key Features

This comprehensive template comprises the following core systems and therefore all the key features of these systems:

  • Inventory
  • Crafting
  • Hotbar
  • Vendors
  • Lootchests
  • Advanced Outliner System
  • Interactive Foliage
  • Choppable Trees
  • Replication Subsystem
  • UI System
  • Basic Extended Movement Component
  • Basic Combat
  • Basic Equipment Manager
  • Basic Respawn
  • Building System
  • Advanced Attribute Manager
  • Mineable Rocks
  • Swimming System
  • Advanced Footstep System
  • Advanced Interaction System
  • Voice Manager
  • Advanced Auto Landscape
  • Ragdoll System
  • Basic human enemy AI
  • Example map with all plus tier systems merged and bonus assets


Demo and Content

Explore the full experience in the demo.

The majority of the content is crafted by me. However, I also incorporate exceptional assets from Epic Games when available. Additionally, I utilize CC0 assets wherever feasible. Credits for external assets can be found in the readme files.

Technical Details

·        Enhanced Input

·        Network Replicated

·        Anticipated cross-platform functionality, although currently tested on Windows

·        Primary logic implemented in actor components, allowing for easy drag-and-drop integration onto an actor

·        Utilizes data tables where applicable


Blueprints: 501

Meshes: 645

Widgets: 101

Animation Sequences: 175

Materials: 306

Textures: 1515


You can use Hyper's modular assets as a building block in your projects or in conjunction with my other modular assets.

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