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Kickstart Blueprint Library

Kickstart Blueprint Library

Code Plugins
Engine version
5.3 , 5.4
Download type
Engine Plugin
File size
55.8 MB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

Super Easy Friendly Code Library for Beginners!

Super Easy Friendly Code Library for Beginners!

No coding for you, cause I help this! Just place a single BP node for whole function!


🎁🎉🎊🎖️ Showcase product during 20th September 2022 - 4th October 2022 🎁🎉🎊🎖️


Especially for:

✅ UE Beginner

✅ Artist / Non-Technical

✅ Students

✅ New Comes from Unity


This Includes:

✅ Clone / Duplicate Actor in Runtime (Just like copy every runtime data from old actor to a new actor)

✅ Get Project Version

✅ Print Array

✅ Set Actor Active

✅ Set Component Enable

✅ Color Convert

✅ Structure Extended

✅ Random String

✅ And more!!!


What This Product Aim:

🧑‍💻 Hole filling plugin which UE didn't has but should has!

🧑‍💻 UE has some C++ API but didn't expose to Blueprint, so this plugin targeting this!


Premium Features:

🎁 This is a Continuous Updating plugin, add more features in futures!

🎁 Feature Request is welcome! Feel free to leave feedback, I would take a look if I can do that!


Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  •  Full list of code functions is in Google Docs, you can find it in "Documentation" below.
  •  Easy Install - Just enable this plugin and done!
  •  Really friendly for beginner! Also for 3D artist and designer!
  • Unity friendly - Cause I am also come from Unity!
  • No need to code!!! Place a BP node to do that whole feature!


Code Modules: (Please include a full list of each Plugin module and their module type (Runtime, Editor etc.))

  •  Runtime
  •  C3_KickstartBlueprintLibrary


Number of Blueprints: 0 (All script is wrote in C++, but every code can use / call in blueprint)

Number of C++ Classes: 7 mainly. Will keep update.

Network Replicated: No (Not in our target, but some function can)

Supported Development Platforms: Windows 10

Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Android

Example Project: No

Important/Additional Notes: None

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