Modular Lost Ruins Kit
Modular lost ruins pack contains a set of different environment and modular assets for building walls, wooden structures and ruin elements.
Most of the models comes with overgrown versions. Built to support the grid.
Package also comes with a large set of different rock models from small to large using advanced rock Material. You also get a set of different treasure models like coin stacks, goblets and bottles. Different props like barrels, jars, and boxes are also included.
You are also getting a set of foliage assets like grass, ferns, hay, trees, and lower level foliage. All of the assets are using Material Instances and Master Materials have different features that can be turned on or off based on different situations.
You also get an example level that showcase different ways to use assets. Level has a custom static lighting and a landscape with a multi layer material that supports triplanar and parallax mapping and landscape grass system.
Please note: Choose “Don´t Import” when launching project. Pack contains source files for those who needs to edit them and importing can reset some settings like collisions.
Technical Details
- Over 169+ model assets
- Library of different ruins elements
- Set of tiling landscape Textures
- Master Materials for different asset types
- 3 layer terrain Material with parallax and triplanar mapping, distance based blending and landscape grass
- Modular level structures built using the grid
- Large set of rock models with detailed rock Material
- Large amount of different props and foliage assets
- Set of treasure models
- Built in colliders for assets
- LODs for models
- Example level with static lighting
Texture Sizes:
- 4K (10)
- 2K (81)
- 1K (26)
- 512 (2)
Texture Size: 512x512 to 4K
Collision: Yes, automatically generated
LODs: 4
Number of Meshes: 169
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 51
Number of Textures: 119
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Everything except mobile
Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lnlO_Ia-29SgTzuYRn2nMx2YaH0sOPbmoL6MKPNn7LE/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.7f4brvm0ixwz