Level Design Tools - DrCG Assistant Helper Toolkit (Distribute, Align, Array)
Powerful & Useful Level Design Assistant Toolkit (Align, Distribute, Scatter, Snap).
Level Design Tools by DrCG
It is a powerful, Simple, Useful & Handy Assistant tool that helps you to manage the level design process.
if you want features or functionalities that you need or would like to be added to this tools Please add a QUESTION to let us know. We will definitely add your favorite features in the next updates.
Updated Features on Version 1.6:
Distribute Along the Axis with specified space
Some small change on UI
Fix Undo bugs
Updated Features on Version 1.5:
The array now works with Every Actor
Bug Fix
Updated Features on Version 1.4:
* New UI with beautiful Icons
* Add Distribute (Normal and Smart Spacing)
* Add Align by Center Bound (in all axis)
* bug fixes:
fix align items that were not working in some situations
Updated Features on Version 1.3:
* Add Random Scale on 3 Axes
* Remove Uniform Random Scale
* Rename Some Spin boxes
New Features on Version 1.2
* Simple Asset Renamer tools added
* Local Scale & Local Location in any dimensions were added
* bug fixes:
- undo not working on any features
What is this? What can it actually do?
This is a tool created with the Unreal Engine Editor Utility Widget, that helps level designers easily build the level beyond the Editor's limitation.
This is an editor tool that does not affect performance.
What's inside?
A simple demo level with simple meshes with variant pivots.
The tool itself
Features Consist of 6 Different Parts:
- Array Helper
- Transform Helper
- Organization Helper
- Snap Helper
- Randomize Helper
- Scatter Helper
All Actions Have Undo Ability
Array Helper:
Easily Array Items and set rotation, position, and scale of new items. (Only work on Static Meshes)
You can attach the new instances to the source with one click!
Transform Helper:
Distribute items and distribute space between items (normal and smart distribution)
Align Items together based on their bounds in any direction.
Align Items together based on their pivot position in any direction.
Quickly Rotate Items by local bounds in any direction (with editor rotate tools you can't do this).
Organization Helper:
Easily swap two objects (change location together)
Rotate objects toward a focus point that seems they are looking at it!
Arrange Items around another object in a radial formation (like a chair around the table)
Snap Helper (Very useful and powerful)
When you press the "End" key in the editor, selected objects fall and sit on a platform on the bottom (if any), but if you want to do this in different directions you must use our tools.
Randomize Helper:
Randomize the Location, Rotation, and Scale of Selected Actors in the desired range (you can set min and max for any direction)
If you check the relative check box, it means that a random number between min and max will be added to the current value of location/rotation/scale of actors
Scatter Helper:
With the help of this tool, you can duplicate meshes along with the bounds of a selected platform. (Like foliage or Objects scattered on the ground etc.)
To improve our product please write a comment or review. If you love it please give us a 5 start :)
Bug Fixed:
Attach to Original in Array Helper did not work when the parent actor is in a folder, and when the mobility state of the parent actor was not set to static!
First, we solve the folder structure problem, and for the mobility state, we Manually set the parent mobility state to Static!
Technical Details
- Level design helper
- It's an Editor Utility Widget (Blutility)
- Clean Blueprint Coding
- Ready to upgrade
- Good User Interface (UI)
Number of Blueprints:
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes