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MGT Multiplayer Gravity Template

MGT Multiplayer Gravity Template

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Replicate a dynamic gravity in a multiplayer game.

Dynamic gravity that really works in multiplayer for players, physical objects, AI bots and Spaceships


Unlike other altered gravity systems that have difficulty supporting replication in multiplayer, MGT does not turn the player into a physical object: it relies on the native character movement component.

Using the character movement component allows Multiplayer Gravity Template to benefit from all the native prediction systems that are designed and optimized by Epic in order to limit as much as possible lags in multiplayer.

MGT is even more advanced than the system I used in the development of the Galactic Goal game

Multiplayer Gravity Template (MGT) is a very easy to use dynamic gravity system for Unreal Engine that really works in multiplayer games for players and physical objects.


Multiplayer Gravity Template (MGT) is the first gravity system that allows :

  • real multiplayer dynamic gravity for players (one player can run on a cylinder while another runs on a cone)
  • real multiplayer dynamic gravity for pysical objects (you can push them, all players will see them at the same places)
  • to use AI bots with dynamic gravity
  • to use animations (side steps, run diagonally...)
  • you can also use directional gravity
  • [New] Ring World Gravity
  • [New] Starship Gravity (this feature is in apha version - single player only for now)
  • 4 camera modes FPS View, Third Person View...


I am at your disposal to help you if you encounter any difficulties.


Please do not hesitate to contact me to tell me what you would like me to develop to further improve MGT. I'd love to see how you fit it into your projects and understand if there are things you can do to make the integration even easier.


New feature Included:

MGT + Worldscape (beta *)

MGT + Voxel Plugin integration Tuto video (Alpha *)

* If you are using Worldscape or Voxel Plugin, please watch the tutorial before purchasing MGT. This implementation is posible but expriemental.


Technical Details

- Multiplayer Dynamic Gravity (not only directional) : one player can run on a cylinder while another runs on a cone.

- AI navigation (béta) - you can use bots.

- dynamic gravity for real physical objects (you can push them, all players will see them at the same places)

- Run on spheres, cubes, cones, cylinders, pipes, rings or create your own custom 3D models.

- FPS view / Third Person View

- Host / join interface

- Animation system (animate side steps, run diagonally)

- run on moving objects / starship gravity (alpha version solo mode only)

- teleportation & gravity selector system

- 5 emissive materials

- 1 module dedicated to Voxel Plugin: create spherical gravity on huge planets (max size 10 000) (beta)

- 100% blueprint (no need to know c++)


Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Limit of use : this asset may not be used to build a game that would reproduce the concept of Galactic Goal

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