Mocap - Pirates Animation Library
A collection of 63 pirates motion capture animations (Body + Fingers) ready for Unreal Engine (UE5 Skeletons, Loops, RootMotion/InPlace).
All animations have been recorded and polished for use in cinematics (NOT intended for state machines), although there are many with loop and rootmotion.
A_P_Alarm_M Pirate looking overboard sees something and yells.
A_P_Catch_M Pirate collects fishing nets.
A_P_Cheer_M Pirate cheers.
A_P_Clean_M Pirate cleans the deck of the ship on his knees.
A_P_Climb_M_01 Pirate climbs rope ladder.
A_P_Climb_M_02 Pirate climbs up a rope.
A_P_Cut_M Pirate cuts ropes.
A_P_CutRope_M Pirate cuts rope
A_P_Dead_M Dead man drowned.
A_P_Defense_M Pirate defends himself with a knife.
A_P_Dig_M Pirate digs with a shovel.
A_P_Drink_M Pirate drinks from a bottle of rum.
A_P_Fight_M_01 Pirate sword fight.
A_P_Fight_M_02 Pirate sword fight.
A_P_Float_M Drifting pirate grabs a plank of wood.
A_P_Hang_M Pirate swings on rope for boarding.
A_P_Hit_M Pirate hits with a bottle.
A_P_Hoist_M Pirate hoist sail.
A_P_IDLE_M_01 Pirate looks horizon through spyglass.
A_P_IDLE_M_02 Pirate looks at the horizon in a rope mesh.
A_P_IDLE_M_03 Pirate looks at treasure map.
A_P_IDLE_M_04 Pirate with sword.
A_P_IDLE_M_05 Pirate steers the helm of a ship.
A_P_IDLE_M_06 Prisoner tied to the mast.
A_P_Injured_M_01 Pirate is wounded with a sword in the belly.
A_P_Injured_M_02 Prisoner is wounded by whipping on the back.
A_P_Jump_M Pirate jumps overboard.
A_P_JumpRope_M Pirate jumps off the ship grabbing a rope.
A_P_LieDown_M Pirate lying in the hammock.
A_P_Load_M Pirate loads cannon.
A_P_Open_M Pirate opens treasure chest.
A_P_Point_M Pirate points when he sees land.
A_P_Pull_M Pirate pulls a rope.
A_P_Push_M Pirate pushes winch.
A_P_Read_M Pirate reads distance from map with compass.
A_P_RingBell_M Pirata toca campana de aviso por ataque o embestida.
A_P_Row_M Pirate rows in a boat.
A_P_Run_M Pirate runs with sword.
A_P_Salute_M Pirate salutes the captain.
A_P_Sheathe_M Pirate sheaths sword.
A_P_Shoot_M_01 Pirate shoots a gun.
A_P_Shoot_M_02 Pirate fires cannon.
A_P_Sit_M Drunk pirate lying on deck drinking.
A_P_Swim_M Pirate swims.
A_P_Threaten_M_01 Pirate threatens with a sword.
A_P_Threaten_M_02 Pirate threatens with a gun.
A_P_Throw_M_01 Pirate bails water with a bucket from a boat.
A_P_Throw_M_02 Pirate throws harpoon.
A_P_Throw_M_03 Pirate throws hook to board another ship.
A_P_Throw_M_04 Pirate throws fishing nets.
A_P_Thrust_M Pirate attacks with a sword.
A_P_Unsheathe_M Pirate unsheathes sword.
A_P_Vomit_M Pirate vomits overboard.
A_P_Walk_M_01 Pirate with peg leg walks.
A_P_Walk_M_02 Pirate walks on a board to jump.
A_P_Walk_M_03 Pirate walks carrying a box.
A_P_Walk_M_04 Pirate walks with a candle in his hand.
A_P_Walk_M_05 Pirate walks with a sword.
A_P_Walk_M_06 Pirate walks with a bag on his shoulder.
A_P_Walk_M_07 Pirate walks with a torch.
A_P_Wave_M Pirate waves white flag.
A_P_Whip_M Pirate lashes prisoner with a whip.
Technical Details
Features: 63 motion capture animations western themed. Include body and fingers animations.
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
If rigged to the Epic skeleton, IK bones are included: Yes
Number of Animations: 63
Animation types: Root Motion/In-place
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: Yes