Massive RPG Systems
MMO-Style / Regular Style ARPG Project "2-Gameplay Modes" Switch with a button!
MMO-Style / Regular Style ARPG Project.
This is a Complete Project that contains a lot of Ready Pre-built Systems That are completely modifiable and Easy to Use.
UPDATE 2.5:What's New:
- - Regular ARPG gameplay style & MMO Style are working together, To switch between MMO & Regular STYLES during Gameplay you only need to Hold the “L” key !
- - Better-New Anims & Functions & Auto-Landscape Material & Alpha Brushes.
- - Optimized Experience: You can use Higher quality assets like (2k/4k) and still get 90+ Frame Rate instead of the lower quality and the ~30 Frame Rate in the old system !
- - New Skill Types such as “Meteor or Nuke” which is a projectile skill that falls on the enemy from a certain height and cause damage !
- - New Enemy Types such as (Warrior, Rogue, Wizard) They can have weapons and attack the player ! any enemy actually can do that following the same method.
- - New Curses for Enemies that they can use to attack and affect the player ! these curses can do anything !
- - Everything is well optimized and Instance Editable ! you can create (Skills, Curses, Enemies, NPCs, Items, Equipment, etc… ANYTHING easily) .
UPDATE 2:What's New:
- - Line Trace Targeting and Highlight has been added to Bow & XBow too.
- - All Projectile Abilities "Skills" now go Straight forward on a line trace without jerking around when there is a problem with your enemy collision.
- - Attack Distance System completely reworked.
- - All weapons have Attack Distance Variable now and Ranged Weapons have longer Attack Distances.
- - Attack Distance is Calculated by "Stats Component" with 3 Co-Variables.
- - Attack Distance is now showed on Character Info Widget and on All weapons Tooltip Widgets.
- - Attack Distance is saved with save game like all stats.
- - More Optimized Systems and Gameplay.
UPDATE 1: What's New:
- Regular ARPG Gameplay "Non-MMO" has been added !
- New Animations Especially for "Bow & XBow (Crossbow)" Added.
- More Optimized & Organized Experience.
- Smooth Camera Transitions
Note: Please read the documentation Carefully !
I've Provided a set of Tutorials as a Playlist on Youtube & There will be more tutorials soon.
All Third Party Assets are either Made By Me or From Epic Content or From Open Sources of CC0 Free Public Assets Such as (Opengameart.org, Polyhaven.com & Pexels.com).
This Product Contains More than 20 Systems:
Systems & Features:
1- Inventory System.
2- Equipment System.
3- Combat System.
4- Damage Calculation System.
5- Dialogue System.
6- Shop System.
7- Quest System.
8- AI – Enemies.
9- Day/Night Cycle.
10- Skills & Ability System.
11- Skill Tree System
12- Quest Chain.
13- World Map.
14- Mini-map.
Both maps with markers “Dynamic, Static”.
15- Action Bar.
16- Location Entry, Quest Notification.
17- Equipment Enhancement System.
18- Skill Upgrading System.
19- Fast travel.
20- Auto-Spawn for Enemies.
21- Save Game System.
22- Exp, Skill Point, Level UP Systems.
23- Character Stats.
& More
Everything is Instance Editable !
Technical Details
- Inventory & Equipment Systems
- Equipment Enhancement System
- Combat (Hand, Weapon, Skills) & Damage Calculation (Physical, Magical)
- Player Classes & Races
- Different Weapons & Equipment & Skills for Each Race or Class
- Skills (Buffs, Curses, Physical & Magical Attack, Projectile, AoE, Passive Skills) & Skill Tree & Skill Upgrade System
- Dialogue System " Is the Engine of the Quest System & Shops "
- Quest System & Quest Chain, Can take and finish multiple objectives of different quests at the same time! No need to set an active Quest.
- World Map & Mini-map With Markers & Fast Travel
- EXP, Skill Points, Level Up Systems
- Character Stats System
- Enemy AI with different enemy types and abilities & Auto-Spawn
- Enemy AI can use Various Curses on the player.
- Saving & Loading & Autosave
- Day & Night Cycle
- Shops
- Action Bar with Multiple Slots (40+ Slots) & More...
Number of Blueprints: 226
Network Replicated: (No)
Supported Development Platforms: "Theoretically should work on Android & IOS too but I never tested it".