Terrain Remix Brushes - Landscape Creation Tool for UnrealEngine / Blender
Interactive non-destructive landscape creation tool for Unreal Engine and Blender.
Included are the following Brushes, all at 4k resolution:
127 Peaks
46 Slope Details
40 Valleys
Weightmap System with erosion data for each brush
Landscape Master Material with multiple presets
Scatter Systems for vegetation and rocks
Unreal Engine Tutorial:
Blender Tutorial:
If you are encountering any issues check this troubleshooting guide https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZVf0XAhl3TXzU2X2h5W87QbA4j3AXpSl7ipKXb2vgnw/edit?usp=sharing
Technical Details
213 Custom Blueprint Brushes at 4k resolution
Create your own Blueprint Brushes with custom alpha textures
Auto Landscape Material with various presets for different biomes
PCG Scattering for Rocks and Foliage (enable PCG plugin for it to work)
Technical Limitations:
Landscape Land Plugin needs to be enabled
Performance while editing the landscape at resolutions of 4096x4096 or higher can be quite bad, depending on your hardware
Size 5GB
In case you're working with the older version of this product (for UE 5.2 and below) you can check out the old product description and troubleshooting guide under this link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mDaQot4Fob1bju9Y20WoHomCbvjm-Flcir6vxFmC-Po/