POLYGON - Western Pack
POLYGON - Western Pack. A Western themed asset pack.
An epic Low Poly asset pack of characters, vehicles, buildings, props, weapons, and environment assets to create a Western themed polygonal style game.
Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations.
Includes a big demo scene (Character poses indicative only)
305 unique assets with x4 alternative texture colors.
Assets include:
- Church x1
- Cover x1
- Deck Steps x1
- Door x1
- Double Buildings x2
- Double_Balcony x2
- Double Balcony Stairs x1
- Double Building Deck Cover x2
- Double Building Deck x4
- Double Building Facade x5
- Double Building Front x2
- Double Building Roof x2
- FencePost x1
- Fence x3
- Jail x1
- Large Building x1
- Outhouse x1
- Saloon x1
- Shed x1
- Sign x20
- Single Building x2
- Single Balcony x2
- Single Deck Cover x1
- Single Deck x4
- Single Facade x5
- Single Building Front x4
- Single Roof x2
- Stairs x3
See detailed layout images for heaps more props!!!
6 Vehicle parts including train set
- Stagecoach x1
- Train x1
- Train_Carriage x1
- Train_Coal x1
- Train_Freight x1
- Cart x1
8 Characters with Alternative colors
- Cowboy
- Cowgirl
- Bad Guy
- Gunman
- Saloon Girl
- Town Man
- Town Woman
- Sheriff
6 Weapons
- American Bayonet x1
- American Bayonet Sheath
- Revolver x2
- Rifle x1
- Shotgun x2
Technical Details
Humanoid Characters are setup to work with Unreal character systems Animation Re-targeting - Epic's video guide http://bit.ly/2yWJRF7.
(No Animations included in this pack)
- Detailed Western town
- Modular Buildings with Interiors!
- Weapons
- Old West themed characters
- Awesome POLYGON style train!
Texture Sizes:
- 14, 2048x2048
- 2, 1024x1024
Texture Size : 1024 & 2048
Collision: Yes a mixture or custom and per face.
Vertex Count: Varies - 3-4k for characters, 500 - 1000 for props on average.
LODs: None
Number of Meshes: 378
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 19
Number of Textures: 14
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac OS.
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Mac, Android, iOS, Oculus, HTC Vive, Switch, PS4, Xbox.