rdSplineTools is an Editor Plugin that speeds up the editing of large splines in your Unreal Engine levels by huge amounts without the need to move to other forms of spline mesh creation.
It seamlessly splits splines into as many sub-splines as you wish – editing a sub-spline has no impact on other sub-splines unless their end points match, in which case the matching end point moves accordingly.
You can also add new splines attached to the main spline (e.g., sub-roads at intersections etc).
When editing your spline points, if you hold down “z” while dragging, the point Snaps to the closest Socket on the SplineMeshes (any socket within a radius). If you hold down “x” while “z” is held, it calls a custom function you can create in your spline blueprint to create any type of snapping you wish.
Another tool included provides the ability to copy all spline point data to the clipboard from where you can paste into a text file (or source file) as a backup. Then you can copy that back to the spline if you ever want to revert it.
There are also tools for working with spline points - from aligning them to the ground, aligning surrounding points to the selected points Z, subdividing and simplifying spline points and converting landscape splines to BP splines (experimental)
Technical Details
- Speed up editing splines by Huge amounts
- Split your splines up for better World Partition support
- Focus on small sections of road/path etc at a time without impacting the rest
- Store text based copies of the spline data for backups and export/import
- Snap spline points to mesh sockets in realtime
- Intersection detection (socket based)
- Place spline on ground tool
- Align spline points tools
- Tool to convert Landscape Splines to BP Splines (experimental)
- Transform all landscape splines positions tool
- Subdivide/Simplify Spline Points tool
Code Modules:
- Editor
Number of Blueprints: 0
Number of C++ Classes: 4
Network Replicated: N/A
Supported Development Platforms: Windows,Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Any platform
Documentation: https://recourse.nz/index.php/rdsplinetools/
Example Project: https://recourse.nz/files/rdSplineTools/BP_SplineTutorial.uasset
Important/Additional Notes: rdSplineTools not needed at runtime.