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RPG Tools

RPG Tools

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Complete Project
File size
602 MB
Only For Premium or VIP Users

Kit contains AI, Ability, Inventory, Quest and Track systems that helps you to create RPG, Action RPG, Action Adventure or any other games.

Feature List:

  • AI Tools
  • Ability System
  • Inventory System
  • Quest System
  • Waypoint System - Point of Interests, Pathfinding
  • Spawn System
  • Optimization Component - Animation, Movement, Rendering, Perception
  • AITools Helper - Editor Utility for convenient working with tools in the editor
  • Day Night System - AI behavior depends on the time of day
  • Teleport System - To another level, To Point
  • Behavior Templates - Villagers, Guards and Animals are not bound to a certain place, they can move anywhere according to their goals


  • Inventory - View Modes | Sorting | Disassembly | Consumable | Weight
  • Equipment - Weapon Modes | Attributes Depend on Level | Set Bonuses | Sockets | Visualization
  • Incrustation - Set Number of Sockets | Set Available Item Groups | Set Inserts and Extract Cost
  • Merchant - Currency | Different Assortment | Global/Unique Buyback | Unlimited Amount Option
  • Craft - Global/Unique Recipes | Multiple Recipes for One Item | Alternative Ingredients
  • Loot - Pick Up from Ground | Get from Actor | Get from Killed AI
  • Warehouse - Global/Unique


  • Quest Chains - Completed or Failed quests trigger another quests
  • Quest Events (OnAvailable, OnActive, OnComplete, OnFail)
  • Objective Events (OnActivate, OnComplete)
  • Local Quests
  • Objectives: Custom, Discover, Gather Item, Affect World Actor, Deliver Item, Receive Item, Kill, Complete or Fail Quest
  • Quest Helper - Editor Utility Widget. Helps to check how quests are added to game (which actors are bound to quest)
  • Track System - Compass | World Map | World


  • Menu and Input Settings
  • Third Person and Top Down modes
  • Save and Load
  • Spawn Window and Statistics
  • Only single-player. All progress is saved


What is the difference from buying systems separately?

  • You don't need to waste time connecting systems to each other
  • Unnecessary files have been removed, the project structure is clean

You can find out more about the systems on their pages. There you can also find documentation and video tutorials.


Technical Details

  • Enhanced Inputs, Audio Modulation, Blueprint File Utilities and Editor Scripting Utilities plugins are enabled
  • World Partition is enabled
  • GameplayTags and Data Assets are used
  • CC0 Public Domain Content is used: list of assets.
  • Input: Keyboard, Mouse
  • Network Replicated: No
  • Supported Development Platforms: Windows

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