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Engine Plugin
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Runtime Load Fbx File From Disk,Convert To StaticMeshComponent And With ComplexCollision.

RuntimeLoadFbx is a c++ code plugin ,Support c++ Code and BluePrint.

It Can help you Import Fbx file to your world at Runtime Fastly ,Support Async and sync.

Most plugin Convert to ProceduralMeshComponent ,But This Plugin Support you Convert to StaticMeshComponent Or ProceduralMeshComponent with Complex Collision,StaticMeshComponent has more quickly Rending.

The Import ActorTree is Clean

Same Material Between Meshs In Fbx File convert to one MaterialInstance

Combine the SubMeshs with Same Material Under a Mesh


The Plugin makes use of FbxImExport of v1.0 to Translate fbx file [Individual seller] Means there is no custom build of FbxImExport used in the Plugin which allows you to freely create your own build


Technical Details

Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

  • Runtime Load Fbx file
  • Async/sync Supported
  • Convert To UStaticMeshComponent/UProceduralMeshComponent
  • Support speed of progress callback with param filepath and pos bettwen 0 and 1,Finish callback with param filepath and final actor that import complete
  • Collision type selection: no collision/simple collision/complex collision default
  • Generate actor class switch:null is AActor class and also can change to your own actor class
  • With Material/Texture
  • Single Model /All Scene in A Fbx Supported
  • C++态BluePrint Supported
  • High Fbx version Supported[FBXSDK 2020.2 inside]
  • Easy to use ,4 Functions directly
  • Plugin RuntimeLoadFbx [Runtime]
  • Starting from UE5.3, The plugin will not support Collision for UStaticMeshComponent, If you don't care about collisions , you can still import as UStaticMeshComponent .Please import as UProceduralMeshComponent if the collision is needed

Number of Blueprints:0

Number of C++ Classes:9

Network Replicated: (Yes/No) No

Supported Development Platforms: (Windows X64)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Windows X64)

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